Служба поддержки


Tape Label Studio comes with an online manual explaining all features, windows and dialogs.

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Обновления и поддержка

Tape Label Studio Enterprise Edition comes with free lifetime updates* and includes one year of free e-mail support.

Tape Label Studio Professional Edition comes with one year of free updates* and includes one year of free e-mail support.

Tape Label Studio Standard and Tape Label Studio Home Editions come with one year of free updates* and don’t include free e-mail support.

Your free e-mail support and free update period starts on the date of your purchase and automatically ends on the same day one year after.

* The term lifetime updates stands for the lifetime of the product Tape Label Studio.
* One year of free updates is offered for versions 2019 and later. Earlier versions (2.x, 1.x, LTO Barcode Label Generator) receive updates for the major version purchased only.

Upgrade and Renewal

All Editions of Tape Label Studio come with a minimum of one year of free updates. After that one year you can renew your subscription to get free updates again. You don’t need a subscription to run the software.

You can also check for special offers if you want to upgrade your edition.

Check for an Upgrade or a Renewal

Билет поддержки

Помимо бесплатной поддержки по электронной почте, все клиенты могут использовать наши платные билеты поддержки, каждый из которых действителен на один инцидент.

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Получать поддержку

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